Hacerlo de nuevo, Pocoyo

I am still fixated with Pocoyo, the happy tune and hyper activeness in the video is perfect for the rainy weather today!
Here are random sentences that I learned from the bilingual subtitle...

¿Qué pasa Pajarito? - what is that?

Vale vale - ok, ok

¿Qué es eso? - what's that?

Pajarito dice que empujar a Pocoyo es su tarea Elly - Pajarito said pushing Pocoyo is his task

te verá luego - will see you then

para vete - stop, go away

es un pesado - it's heavy

triste - sad

vamos vamos - come

lo siento - I am sorry

I also learned from Kitty about the foreign language page from BBC, she was looking for Korean learning materials.

the phrase of the day: la carne...I was so happy that I already knew the word...beef, from chili con carne! After taking the test, I am classified as a complete new, I am now taking 'The Spanish Steps' and completed 'Taxi' today. I like it that all the words were pronounced clearly, with Spanish or English subtitles.


PecOsa said...


have you tried watching "los Lunnis"? It´s another spanish tv programme for kids. I don´t know if you can find it with subtitles, but they normally use simple sentences, so maybe you can learn something from it.

Un abrazo!

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