mi vida loca - episodio catorce

This is a most happy episode - wine tasting! I do love Spanish wine :)

And I remember reading The World of Mafalda when I was a kid (in Chinese) and really loved it. So I gave it a try in Spanish, I remember this strip...Mafalda hates soup! Mafalda odia la sopa!

una araña - a spider

me gusta - I like

¿Te gusta el vino? - do you like wine

¿Te gusta? - do you like

rico - delicious

agradable - nice

un vino espumoso - sparkling wine

un vino muy afrutado - a fruity wine

un vino aromático - aromatic wine

alto - tall

bajo - short

fuerte - strong

débil - weak

el pelo - the hair

rubio - blond

una chaqueta marrón - a brown jacket

esta botella pequeña - this small bottle

esta botella grande - this large bottle

las dos botellas pequeñas - that 2 small bottles

las dos botellas grandes - that 2 large bottles

todas las botellas - all the bottles


Ϩtεℓℓα said...

ohhh i love Mafalda so much!! i´ve got a huge book with all her comics.

i´ve already watched the video you suggested, but they speak so fast! :P i still need more practise.thanks! :)


p.d.: i´ve already put a translator on my second blog, it´s not very accurate, but i think you´ll understand it :)

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