mi vida loca - episodio nueve

Following the adventure...i learned to book my hotel room today

habitación - room

baño - bathroom

ducha - shower

noche - night

persona - person

desayuno - breakfast

completo - full

¿hay un hotel? - is there a hotel?

por aqui? - around here?

¿Hay otro? - is there another?

Quiero una habitcaión - can i have a room

¿para cuantas personas? - for how many people?

para una persona - for 1 person

¿cuántas noches? - how many nights?

para una noche - for 1 night

la posada - the inn

¿dónde está? - how far?

cerca - close

lejos - far away

un hostal - guesthouse

la oficina de correos - post office

la parada - the stop

la esquina - corner

too much excitement...let's end with a Pocoyo! I like this one, urging people to turn off the light on March 27 :)


PecOsa said...

wow! you´re learning really fast! i think i´m gonna do the same with my chinese, and maybe i start with korean too, i really like it ^^


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