Episode 4...yeah!
el nombre - first name
el appellido - first surname
¿Qué tal? - how are you?
Bien, gracias
¿Cómo te llamas? - what's your name?
¿Y tú? - and yours?
it seems that Spanish people do use 2 surnames...
yo - I
tú - you
inglés. inglésa - Englishman/woman
ahora - now
cerca de - close to
el periodista, la periodista - journalist
la salida - exit
tomar - to have a drink
una copa - a drink
un bar
¡Salud! - cheers
trabaja - s/he works
para - for (a person, a purpose)
Finally, the teaching of pronunciation in Episode 4...the pronunciation is really a bit difficult to remember!
es aquí - it’s here
es periodista - s/he is a journalist
es biólogo - s/he is a biologist
Hola! i´m looking forward to watch "alice in wonderland" too, I love Tim Burton sooo much! ^^
Happy chinese new year! (thanks for telling, i didn´t know it :)) and thank you for the name of the bands, i´ll look for them.
Yes, we have two surnames: the first one is our father´s and the second one our mother´s.
Un abrazo!
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